Monday, November 14, 2011

Where there is a Will there is Way! (Acknowledgement – Ibrahim Durosimi)

I remember very good friend sending me a text sometime back, He asked ‘what is happening with my blog http//’ . I have to admit it’s been ages since I made a post, trust life to come at you real hard , so hard you have a hard getting your bearing together. When there is a will, there is a way, it is such a cliché I wonder if people stop to really examine the statement some more. I find what I do here really motivating, though I may be gone for sometime putting up a fight with life (life is a warfare not a funfare they say) but I still come back. The will is there.
We all go through challenges in life, some have physical challenges of conquering Mount Everest, others have a marriage breakdown and their whole world crumbles. Some have health challenges that no matter what they do they are in the same situation as last year! Challenges are there for us to grow, adapt, get stronger, learn, accept and move on. In a state of crisis we need to act, we become motivated to get to a safe place, as in a crisis our bodies are in a state of shock and movement is required, sometimes stress can mount to propelling us to do something! Not the ideal way to act, in reaction to something, but if you are in a crisis, like a car accident, your child is not safe, or we see no way out of our current dilemma, then your body takes over.

Often times we see no solution because we are in an unresourceful state, we dwell on the negatives, and catastrophize the end result and feel overwhelmed. We over analyze all the possible angles and then don't do anything as a result because we start to doubt our abilities. If you find yourself in this state you need to change your energy so that possible solutions come your way. To get yourself out of that state simply change your physiology, jump up and down, clamp your hands or have a good scream, whatever it takes to change your energy, and then you can get going on your path. What can you do to get out of this situation? Do one thing; this action will push you forward. 

It reminds me of a time when I really wanted to change my career, I was stuck in a rut as they say, focusing on the security of getting that pay packet each month. However I was fighting myself every Sunday night when the thought of going to work would make me feel tight in the stomach. I thought everybody went through this, and in time I got sick, I was over stressed and basically burned out. Not where I wanted to be. So I did something courageous, I quit, and that was the best day I ever had in ages, my stress levels lowered and I found my path, things started happening for me and I am still growing as a result of taking action. I smile more and I am more grounded. So I found a way to be more passionate at work and thus I am congruent with my goals and my purpose.

If you truly want something in your life, then you will find the solution, be open to new things and open minded, it's amazing how changing your perspective keeps you fresh and open to new ways. We all go through challenges in life, some have physical challenges of conquering Mount Everest, others have a marriage breakdown and their whole world crumbles. Some have health challenges that no matter what they do they are in the same situation as last year! Challenges are there for us to grow, adapt, get stronger, learn, accept and move on.

All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.                    Brian Tracy
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do it now! can affect every phase of your life. It can help you do the things you should do but don't feel like doing. It can keep you from procrastinating when an unpleasant duty faces you. But it can also help you do those things that you want to do. It helps you seize those precious moments that, if lost, may never be retrieved. Napoleon Hill
 Thumbs Up Ibrahim (ebraheem, I wonder how you came up with that one, phonetics I guess)
Word of the Week (build your vocabulary)
 Assiduous [as·sid·u·ous] adj.  1. Constant in application or attention; diligent: "An assiduous worker who strove for perfection."  2. Unceasing; persistent: "Assiduous cancer research."


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