Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I feel so good and well. I wouldn’t have it any other way after all I chose to feel good and well regardless of what is visible to me. I am really amazed by the amount of time people spend on social networking sites doing one thing or the other, interesting enough there is never an end to what they do on these sites after all there will always be something you want to upload, something you want download, something you want to comment on,something you want to add to your profile and it goes on and on. I heard productivity dropped in company in asia because the staffs were facebooking at work instead of working. What time do you have left to really do something of value to yourself?

It has been said that time is the currency of the world. What am i doing with the time i have now?am i investing it or burning it? Readers are Leaders they say, how will i become a leader if I don’t take the time to read and know what leadership or any other subject is about. I remember when I had the excuse of not having time for not doing something, now that I have the time what is my excuse?

I spend my time reading,studying and connecting with people who are doing the same, socializing and chatting is good, it even helps me in self development since I don’t know it all, but a line has to be drawn between when it’s a valuable use of my time and when it is a waste of my time.

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade! Anthony Robbins

If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. Brian Tracy

Either you run the day or the day runs you. Jim Rohn

I feel motivated to make better use of my time, quality-result-producing use. Do something worthwile with your time.


Anonymous said...

Samuel wrote: "I feel motivated to make better use of my time, quality-result-producing use. Do something worthwile with your time."

I say: Like read your blogs?!

Unknown said...

the choice is up to you

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